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Euro Joe Bitesleeve "RX2"
Euro Joe Bitesleeve "RX2"
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Our Price: $141.50

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This new bite sleeve is unmatched in its kind! This bite sleeve comes standard with cover. If this cover is worn after repeated use, you can order a new cover. Moreover, you also have the choice between soft or hard. This sleeve is an investment for the future.
This sleeve was tested by tophandlers on worldlevel. Thanks to their contribution, the RX2 was born. The RX2 is also a two in one topbitesleeve. You can use the bite sleeve as a regular sleeve but also like our bitecushion "Twister" to let the dog come through well and twist. This sleeve is ideal to teach the dog "the get away." You can use the bite sleeve sidely to not let the dog stand with his paws on the handler. Light to use, versatile and with a jute cover: a true luxury for every handler! The bite sleeve can be used by both left- as righthanders.
The bite sleeve RX2 has a soft bite piece that rebounds well, thanks to the high quality mousse and finished with leather as an IPO sleeve. This bitecushion is only suitable for young dogs, for adult dogs is the bite cushion to soft. A bite sleeve that is suitable for both young and adult dogs, can be found here:
Make your choice between a bite sleeve with soft or hard cover.

Unique in its kind
Tested by tophandlers
2 in 1 bitesleeve
Choice between soft and hard

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